International House Berkeley

I-House Times Fall 2023

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International House Times 15 9. Lee Peterson (IH 1970-72) stayed in the I-House Ambassador Suite, while in town for a meeting at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, for which he serves as Chair of the Advisory Board. Staying in the Ambassador Suite is a terrific way to get a taste of I-House again. And I-House alumni get a discount on their stay. Visit to learn more. 10. Min Htet Hset's (IH 2016-17) experience at I-House is the inspiration for his company, Socius, through which he is creating international co-living communities around the world. Min Htet believes deeply in the value of intentional communities of diverse people living together to promote cross-cultural learning and understanding. 11. Johanna Langill (IH 2007-09) and Manal Ahmad (IH 2007-09) stopped by I-House for a quick visit this summer and took a selfie with staff member Larnie Macasieb. Johanna noted, "Such good memories and friends." 12. Asma Benothman (IH 1989) visited I-House with a group of high school students from France. Asma lived in I-House for just one summer while on an English language program. She was overwhelmed to be back at I-House and had tears in her eyes as she shared I-House with her students, I-House residents of the future! 13. Linda Igarashi (IH 1997-99) and family were very excited to see Linda's old room! More than 20 years since her last visit, she still remembers and spoke fondly of former Executive Director Joe Lurie and how welcome he made all the residents feel in their new home. She also remains grateful for the scholarships that she received to support her stay at I-House. 14. Mary Bergman (IH 1971), Alma Kagimoto (IH 1973), Connie Jean Johnson (IH 1960s), Mary (McDonough) Mitchell (IH 1972), their spouses, and fellow Cal alumni visited I-House on Cal Day. One of our greatest challenges at I-House is keeping up with our worldwide alumni. How great it is when you come to visit together! 15. Anna Burnus (IH 1993-94) took the opportunity to stop by with her son and husband while in town for a conference. 16. I-House alumni Angie Wakefield (IH 2016) and Hans Husmann (IH 2016) came back "home" to I-House after seven years. ey posted a memory of their visit on Instagram. Follow and tag us @ihouseberkeley. Continued on next page Look Who Came To Visit! 9 12 13 14 10 11 16 15

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