International House Berkeley

I-House Times Fall 2023

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8 International House Times 14 International House Times We know it might be tempting to "drop in" unexpectedly, but to make sure we can welcome you properly and give you a tour, please contact us and let us know you're coming at or (510) 642-4128. 1. While visiting I-House this spring, Chenming Hu (IH 1969-71) advised current residents that the best way to meet a life partner is to be on the front steps when new residents arrive and offer to help with their luggage, just as he did with his wife, Margaret (Leung) Hu (IH 1970-71). To honor their long-lasting connection to each other and to I-House, the Hus decided to dedicate a bench, which sits near the spot where they first met. 2. Richard Simmons (IH 1971-72) stopped by I-House to see where he, and later his daughter Alexandra R. Simmons (IH 2009-10), lived as young adults. Like many I-House alumni from the '60s and '70s, he remembers the placement of the television in the corner of the Great Hall, where residents gathered daily to keep up with world news. 3. Costas Hamakiotes (IH 1979-85) proudly showed his son Christos around I-House while in town for a college tour. Costas first came to Berkeley from a small village in Greece and was tremendously homesick until he was offered a room at I-House, where he found dear friends and a home away from home for six years. Costas hopes that his son will have the same opportunity as a student at Cal one day. 4. Nancy Stock Tivol (IH 1965-67) is from an "I-House family" with multiple generations of I-House alumni. Her love for I-House and belief in its mission was clear as she proudly showed current Cal student Tina Nguyen around and encouraged her to apply to live at I-House too. anks, Nancy and all our alumni who inspire others to live here. I-House alumni are our best ambassadors! 5. Vasil Diyamandoglu (IH 1980-81) stopped by I-House with his daughter Anna and found his old room and mailbox. He joyfully remembered I-House cultural events, especially the ones where he represented his home country of Turkey. 6. A few days after getting engaged in San Francisco, Charlotte Guerin (IH 2013-14) visited I-House with her fiancée while on a visit from France. 7. Martin Fischer (IH 1994-95) stopped by with his wife and daughters to see his beautiful home from almost 30 years ago. 8. Sandra Grace Kelly (IH 1979-81) is fairly sure she remembers her room number at I-House (62T!), where she made many lifelong friends. Back to Berkeley 1 7 8 2 3 4 5 6

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