International House Berkeley

I-House Times Fall 2023

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I-House by the Numbers International House Times 3 D ramatic increases in costs and inflation as well as supply chain problems, decreased workforce availability, and aging infrastructure continue to present challenges for I-House. Given these pressures, staff have done an outstanding job managing resources in support of our not- for-profit organization. Philanthropic support and fiscal responsibility allow us to keep increases in annual room and board rates at less than the inflation rate, and I-House fees remain below the comparable rates elsewhere on campus. Our 2023-24 operating budget of $18.2 million includes a $150K contingency fund and continues the practice of returning 3 percent of our gross revenues to the operating reserve. rough the generosity of alumni and friends, I-House will be able to provide $1 million in financial aid again this academic year for room and board for residents with financial need. I-House remains strong, and residents report overall satisfaction with their experience here. As you can see from the stats on this page, philanthropic support represents a significant and growing portion of our operating budget. ank you for helping International House light the way for generations to come! To learn more about how your giving makes a world of difference at International House, visit n Resident Statistics 2023-24 n 81 majors n 323 undergraduate students n 11 visiting scholar/post doc n Average age is 22 (range 18-50) n 617 residents represent 73 countries n 503 international, 114 U.S. n 283 graduate students Room & Board (Net Scholarships & Allowance) Philanthropic Contributions Edmonds Cafe Hospitality (Dining, Catering Events) Other Operating Revenue (Includes Release from Restriction) FY 2023-24 Functional Expenses FY 2023-24 Support and Revenue Room & board (net Scholarships & allowance) Philanthropic Contributions Edmonds Cafe Hospitality (Dining, Catering, Events) Other operating revenue (includes release from restriction) Management & General Fundraising Expenses FY 2023-24 Support & Revenue Resident Satisfaction Survey Top Five Areas of Study Economics Computer Science Business Administration Law Mechanical Engineering Top Five Countries United States India China France Japan $18,202,283 $18,199,891 Program Services Expenses Extremely Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Extremely Dissatisfied

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