International House Berkeley

I-House Times Fall 2023

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International House Times 9 Community Feedback The recent survey of the I-House community spanned the decades. I-House asked, and almost 500 alumni and friends responded with their reflections, advice, ideas, and special memories of their time living at 2299 Piedmont Avenue. Congratulations I-House Davis Projects for Peace 2023 Award Recipients! Dinah Lawan Foundations of Peacebuilding, Empowerment and Political Education: Building a Voice for Indigenous Women in Areas Most Impacted by the Boko Haram Insurgency, Nigeria Eric Assan Digital Literacy & Mentorship for Peace, Ghana Martin Ssemulugo Hygiene & Sanitation4Peace at Kigungu Landing Site, Uganda Make a Difference Today and Save on Taxes with a Gift from your IRA Qualified charitable distributions, also known as "IRA charitable rollovers," are a great way for supporters 70 ½ years and older to use their IRAs to support International House. Charitable rollovers allow you to donate up to $100,000 annually to qualifying charities, like I-House, without incurring income tax on your withdrawal. You can save on taxes, maximize the impact of your gift, and know that you are helping to support I-House's mission of peace. To learn more, visit T hemes that emerged include overwhelmingly positive feelings toward I-House. Respondents amplified our mission by reflecting that I-House is in a unique position to help develop empathetic future leaders in politics, business, education/research, healthcare, community work, and more who will unite people and nations across the globe. We also received thoughtful, constructive advice. For example, many respondents expressed the need to update the bedrooms, restrooms, and other resident amenities to meet the needs of modern students while carefully preserving the architectural beauty of I-House. Many people reminded us of the need to maintain and to enhance all forms of diversity, including economic diversity, among residents. Living as part of a diverse resident population is at the core of the I-House experience. Many alumni expressed that, as climate change is a global issue that must be addressed, we should explore how I-House can become a cleaner, greener institution. We also learned that, despite the world's largely moving out of the pandemic- inspired Zoom era, our community is still hungry for online events and, increasingly, for in-person alumni gatherings. We are already beginning to incorporate the feedback and ideas we received through the survey into our programs and plans for I-House. Thanks to all who participated and please stay tuned for our next community survey! Projects for Peace is an initiative, with a $10,000 award, that is open to residents of International House to design grassroots projects anywhere in the world that promote peace and address the root causes of conflict. Learn more at

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