International House Berkeley

I-House Times Fall 2023

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International House Times 11 Creating a Lasting Legacy at International House The Florence and Harry Edmonds Legacy Circle recognizes the growing number of individuals who have chosen to include International House in their legacy plans. Their generosity ensures the future of I-House, supporting our global community and advancing a world of greater understanding. If you have planned a legacy gift and would like to be acknowledged as a member of the Florence and Harry Edmonds Legacy Circle, please let us know so that we can show our appreciation for your commitment to I-House and its mission. L ike many I-House alumni, John Burt Jr. (IH 1970-71) has led a rich and adventurous life. Raised in the San Fran- cisco Bay Area, John first began to truly explore the world during what proved to be a seven-year break from college. He migrated to Australia and stayed for three years, and then joined the merchant marine working in the engine room of a tramp steamer. His journeys brought him to Southeast Asia, but his seafaring career was cut short when he was drafted into the U.S. Army, where he worked as a radio operator and developed his skills in Morse code. After his service, John returned to the Bay Area, enrolled at UC Berkeley, and quickly navigated his way to I-House for his final under- graduate year. He cherishes his time at I-House and the memories he made here. "Mealtimes were particularly enjoyable," John says. "I had so many stimulating conversations over food." Discussing global events and comparing perspectives over a meal is, indeed, a time-honored tradi- tion at I-House. John also recalls how, through time spent together and multiple conversations, he found more commonality than difference with his friends from around the world. "I even remember friends who spoke very different languages—for example, Finnish and Japanese—finding similarities in their language and cultures." After graduating with a degree in economics, John embarked on a career in the mining industry, working on feasibility studies for prospective mining projects. His work took him to locations around the world to assess the economic viabil- ity of mining initiatives while considering their cultural and environmental impact. Over the course of his career, John developed a deeper appreciation for the global perspective and cultural awareness he gained during his time at I-House. Today, more than 50 years since he lived "under the dome," John remains in close contact with friends he made here and still feels a strong bond with I-House. This is why John has been a long-term donor and why, he says, "Planning a legacy gift to I-House just seemed to make sense. I-House is a worthwhile recipient of my support." He found a charitable gift annuity (CGA) to be an easy and tax-efficient way to plan a legacy gift to I-House while securing predictable income for his own needs. CGAs offer individuals an immediate tax deduction, a fixed income stream, and the opportunity to support a cause that is important to their lives. I-House is grateful to John and others like him within our global community, whose passion for education, cultural exchange, and giving back continues to inspire us all. If you, like John, value the connections you formed and the real-life global perspective gained at I-House, and if you too desire to leave a lasting legacy here, please contact us via email at or 510-642-4128 to learn more about the many ways you can plan your gift. n Daniel Premkumar Gladstone Abraham John S. Burt, Jr. Alan Davidson & Janet Roche Davidson Dr. Ira Batra Garde & Dr. Shrikant A. Garde Alessandra Gulli Bonnie McPherson Killip J.A. Lamph Maura D. Mack Paresh & Debra Maniar Laurie S. Masten Anne & Henry Mollet Arthur Van Zandt Strock Nancy Stock Tivol Kwei & Michele Ü Laura Siegel Venning & Robert Venning Robert & Sheryl Wong Anders Chung Yang, J.D. Anonymous (16)

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