International House Berkeley

History Booklet 2022

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10 International House is "drafted" by the U.S. Navy, renamed "Callaghan Hall" and is occupied by 800-900 Navy cadets–nearly double the pre-war occupancy. 1943–46 1946–47 The AFSC and ACLU ask residents to test a Berkeley ordinance prohibiting restaurants and bars from refusing service to people of color. Residents get establishments fined and others closed. No bar or restaurant would dare refuse service again. 1943–46 During the Callaghan Hall years, I-House residents live in five fraternity houses. This is the first time I-House residents shared rooms and many enjoy the close friendships of roommates. Many students are veterans, some are refugees, resistance fighters, and Holocaust survivors. 1969 Students remove the doors separating the men's and women's sections of the House, and Warrick chooses to ignore the transgression. Soon after, the men's and women's lounges are integrated, forming today's library. 1980 Alumni and friends support the 50th Anniversary Capital Campaign, resulting in renovations to the Auditorium, Great Hall, and administrative offices. 1970s In 1974, the I-House tradition of free speech comes under attack after controversial programs on the Middle East provoke debate about programs at I-House. The Board reaffirms the free speech policy and the traditions of mutual respect. 2009 The beloved tradition of Sunday Supper, established in 1910 by I-House founder Harry Edmonds, continues today. Held four times each year, Sunday Supper includes a speaker and entertainment provided by talented residents. In July 2012, Dr. Hans C. Giesecke begins his service as the fifth Executive Director of International House. His focus is on making the I-House residential experience a top highlight of their time at Berkeley. 2012 CILP, The Robertson Center for Intercultural Leadership & Programs launches as a center for training and research to advance leadership, understanding, and collaboration across cultures for corporate, non-profit, government, and education sectors. 2013 In keeping with tradition, the Program Office hosts their signature Coffee Hour event virtually, where residents could chat while enjoying coffee no matter where in the world they were. Despite limited in-person social interactions during the Covid-19 Pandemic, I-House strives to provide a sense of community. 2020 2020 Fostering Fellowship Cultivating Community Growing Leaders 1997 As a new access ramp is constructed, residents Victor Pineda (IH 1999-2000) and Daniel Florio (IH 1993-96) become activists for disability rights and serve on a U.N. committee promoting the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities worldwide. 2002 Rotary World Peace Scholars release doves at a Celebration of Peace in remembrance of 9/11/2001. The first nine Gateway Scholarship recipients begin their Ph.D. studies at UCB while living at I-House through an unprecedented partnership with campus. 2003 Being Middle Eastern, following 9/11, I was subjected to a lot of hate. My experience with my American roommate was soul changing. At I-House, fear of "the other" is shattered, and hate turns into understanding. -Zahra Makoui (IH 2002-03) International House re-opens in August 2021 after closing for over a year in order to protect staff and students during the Covid-19 Pandemic. 2021 In August 2020, Shaun R. Carver is appointed as the sixth Executive Director of International House, navigating I-House through the unprecedented closure due to Covid-19 and major building improvements in preparation for reopening.

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