International House Berkeley

I-House Times 2018 Spring/Summer

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1950s Ellen Alkon (IH 1956) writes, "Over 61 years ago I spent a wonderful summer at I-House. I met fascinating people, including Paul, who is now my husband of 60 years. Thanks to I-House for a formative experience." Marcia Garbus Burnam (IH 1950-51) shared a story about her family's ongoing relationship with an Ethiopian family. The family asked Marcia whether she would be willing to take in their son, Tewodros Gedebou, to have him live in the United States with her. Marcia was able to help raise him, and he is now a reconstructive plastic surgeon. Dr. Gedebou returned to Ethiopia ten years ago, and built an American-style surgical hospital, which is the first of its kind in Ethiopia. He named it after Marcia to honor and thank her for taking such good care of him. Without the experience living in the I-House community, none of this could have happened. Lawrence Giver (IH 1953-62) and his wife, Rhonda, send their family's best wishes to I-House. He writes, "Our eldest daughter, Cindy, and her family visited from Atlanta, Georgia at Christmas." Pictured below is the entire family, including their son and three daughters, their spouses, and their four grandchildren. 14 International House Times 1930s Anne Waybur (IH 1939-40) writes that she is "living happily in the senior residence, The Redwoods in Mill Valley, among many educated and interesting residents, keeping current with our tortured politics and with our wonderfully developed cultural achievements—ballet, opera, and symphony!" 1940s Mason Gaffney (IH 1948-52) writes, "I've been emulating Titian, publishing my best work in my 90s. I just want my old pals to know their old messmate is still active, although nominally retired. Also to let the youngsters know they don't have to hang up their cleats just because they reach 'mandatory retirement age.' If you have something new to say, there's still a market out there! Here's a pic of me attacking a really huge rubber tree with a truly ordinary axe. I'm slower than I was in my prime, so it took almost two hours." Clive Justice (IH 1947-50) met his wife while he was a resident at I-House and reflects on their beautiful life together. He writes, "My wife, Wanda Elizabeth, passed away March 31, 2014. We were married in June 21, 1948 in Oakland. Our reception was held at I-House in the Ambassador Suite. Wanda and I enjoyed 62 years together and had four boys: Clive Michael in 1951, Charles Edward in 1953, Rodney Philips in 1955, and Douglas Edward Clive in 1957." Alumni News & Notes Barbara Robben (IH 1954-59) still visits I-House regularly and brings guests to eat in the Dining Commons. She enjoys sitting with residents and staff. She noted, "The red tile floors and architecture evoke pleasant memories. I-House alumni may find the dining entrance relocated and the cafeteria area modernized, but the feel of the dining room will be pleasantly familiar." 1960s Ronald Bolstad (IH 1963-65) just celebrated 51 years of marriage to his wife, Marilyn, whom he met at an I-House social while he lived here. Marna Feldt (IH 1963-66) reminisces on her time at I-House and service on the Resident Council over 50 years ago. She writes, "with an M.A. and all but a dissertation between [her] and a Ph.D. [she] left I-House, not knowing what was going to happen next. What followed was a fantastic 30-year career working as a cultural and information officer for Sweden!" Susan (Pokrass) Kravis (IH 1962-63) now lives in Chicago and has many fond memories of I-House. She served as a member of the I-House Resident Council. She would come back to school early in the fall to greet the new residents and be involved with a trip to San Francisco. She always enjoyed being present and witnessing the joy these new residents had seeing San Francisco for the first time. John Sharp (IH 1963-65) met his wife Sara Colegrove (IH 1963- 65) at I-House in 1963. Last year, they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and still have fond memories of their time here.

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