International House Berkeley

I-House Times Fall-Winter 2024-2025

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International House Times 15 9. While visiting from Brussels, Jan Andersson (IH 1995- 96), Stephanie Buus (IH 1992-93), and their daughters Stella and Zoe, stopped by I-House, where Jan and Stephanie lived while pursuing their Ph.D.s at Cal. 10. Sandhya Rao (IH 1990-91) visited from Boston and said that "staying at I-House my last year of UC Berkeley was an unexpected delight. I have such fond memories of sharing our personal stories over coffee at the cafe and at meals in the beautiful courtyard." 11. Antonio Hernandez (IH 1991-93) revisited I-House with his daughter Lola to show her where he lived 30 years ago. ey danced together on stage in the Chevron Auditorium, where Sunday Supper and other I-House traditions continue to take place to this day. 12. Currently the Editor/Head of Service of BBC News Burmese, Soe Win an (IH 2000-01) came back to I-House where he spent a "happy year" when he was a visiting scholar at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. 13. Guobiao "George" Zhang (IH 1990-91) visited from Shenzhen, China, with his wife and son and was happy to introduce them to his home of 30 plus years ago. 14. While on campus for an event honoring his Ph.D. advisor, Richard (Dick) Benson (IH 1974-76) and Leslie Brault Benson (IH 1972-76) accompanied I-House Philanthropy Advisor Samantha DePetro-Wysuph for a tour of I-House, where the couple met. While a resident, Leslie worked at the front desk greeting guests and lending out vacuum cleaners and board games. Dick deliberately borrowed something when Leslie was working, just to have a chance to meet her. And the rest, almost 50 years later, is history. 15. Francesca Gesualdi (IH 2001) came back to I-House after 22 years with her husband and three children while visiting California from Italy. 16. On his journey from New Zealand to New York, Burn Lewis (IH 1968-70) and his wife, Linda, stopped by San Francisco to visit their daughter in the Bay Area. Burn enjoyed showing his daughter where he used to live more than 50 years ago. Continued on next page 9 11 12 15 16 10 We were happily overwhelmed by the number of alumni who came back to visit last year. These are just some of the alumni we saw. If We were happily overwhelmed by the number of alumni who came back to visit last year. These are just some of the alumni we saw. If you'd like to come back to I-House, please email us in advance at so that we can plan to show you around. you'd like to come back to I-House, please email us in advance at so that we can plan to show you around. 13 14

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