International House Berkeley

I-House Times Fall 2023

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International House Times 7 International House Times 7 Mike has spent most of his career living and working outside of Switzerland for international companies, including Novartis, IBM, and Takeda—all companies for which having an intercultural mindset is key. "I've carried and applied what I learned at I-House throughout my professional career. ere's so much research showing that diverse teams are more successful because the team members bring differing perspectives and approaches. It's so important. And DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is built right into the mission of I-House. It's a mind-opening, world-opening experience. At I-House, I learned to at least try to see through the eyes of others, and it had a huge impact on my life." Teresa Echeverria (IH 2015-16) says, "At I-House, stereotypes are broken down when you connect with people on a personal level. I've experienced it myself." She came to I-House from Spain to complete a graduate certificate through UC Extension. "Up until then, my community was very much made up of the same types of people." e people she interacted with at home—even in the university setting— mostly looked like her, sounded like her, and shared similar experiences. She explained that when she came to I-House, she was a bit overwhelmed. "At first I stayed with other Spaniards or with people who spoke Spanish." at's not an unusual way to begin one's time at I-House. But Teresa soon realized that her fellow residents shared much in common—they were students, very busy with their course work, and most of them were far from home. "at's when I began to interact more with others, and I still maintain those friendships today. In fact, some of us had a small reunion in London a few weeks ago!" What's more, Teresa gained communication skills that are integral to her professional work today. She works for a company that supports and invests in entrepreneurial opportunities in emerging and underserved markets around the world and says that, as a hiring manager, she seeks out people who have intercultural communication skills. "e skills I learned at I-House—the skills that everyone learns at I-House just through daily interactions—are essential in the global workplace." "My time this summer at I-House has been about defining and celebrating my full cultural identity, which is truly multicultural," says Olivia Matuschek (IH 2023). Her Austrian father, Rudi Matuschek (IH 1996), and her mother Clotilde, met while at Cité Internationale of Paris, which shares in the I-House vision and mission. Olivia grew up hearing her dad's stories about his time at I-House. She came to study at UC Berkeley this summer, in part, so that she could have her own I-House experience. ough born in France and a French citizen, Olivia grew up in Maryland since early childhood. "I'm a U.S. Green Card holder, and I currently attend college at McGill University in Montreal. ere are lots of parts to me. I identify as Austrian, French, and American. And I speak German, French, and English equally well." Often Olivia has found that when trying to define her cultural identity for other people, they've been confused, or worse, dismissive. "But at I-House, people are open-minded. ey're accepting that people are multicultural. Here, you can just be whoever you are." ere are many I-House families like the Matuscheks among our alumni Mike Zingg (IH 1992-93) and his children on a recent visit to I-House. Rudi (IH 1996) and daughter Olivia Matuschek (IH 2023). Rudi says, "My I-House experiences truly changed the trajectory of my life and made me a lifelong advocate for promoting concrete international connections, exchanges, and understanding. It was a powerful experience, and Olivia's life path has been a product of it in many ways." As we continue to explore the impact of I-House, we would love to hear your story. Submit your photos, captions, stories, and/or videos online here: or by email to Select stories may be featured on the I-House website, social media, videos, or in the I-House Times newsletter. Share Your I-House Stories

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