International House Berkeley

I-House Times Fall 2023

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International House Times 21 1960s Gerald "Gerry" Olali Diete- Spiff Sr. (IH 1961-63) came to the United States from Nigeria as a college student to study engineering, mathematics, and statistics. After receiving his bachelor's degree from UC Berkeley, he then went on to complete his master's in electrical engineering at Penn State. Gerry retired from Ford Motor Company as an electrical engineer in 2002 after 31 years. He was a beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, and godfather and was very devoted to his Catholic faith. He was also deeply committed to I-House and UC Berkeley, and was a long-term, generous supporter of both. Marna Feldt (IH 1963-66) was a friend and advocate of Swedish culture throughout her life. For 30 years, she was a key figure at the Swedish Information Service in New York, where she helped countless authors, translators, students, professors, and others make connections with Sweden. She received many honors for her work, including the Swedish King's Medal for Devoted Service and the Swedish Order of the Polar Star. Marna lived at I-House while pursuing a master's in Scandinavian language and literature at UC Berkeley. She kept dear the lifelong friendships and lessons from her time at I-House, often coming back to visit and relive what she called "one of the most memorable events" of her life. It was with Marna's urging that her niece Sarabeth Stutts (IH 1977-78) later stayed in I-House. We are very grateful to Marna for leaving a gift to I-House in her estate, a legacy for future generations of I-House residents. John Abbott (IH 1965- 66) was a multilingual, international businessman. What started as a summer project after his first year in college turned into an almost three-year stay in Europe, during which he studied Spanish in Madrid and French at the Cité Universitaire de Paris. His love of languages never ended, and he diligently studied Russian well into his 70s. John lived at International House while earning a master's in economics from UC Berkeley, and it was at I-House that he met the love of his life, María (Montoya) Abbott (IH 1965-66). He had a long career as a banker with Citibank's International Group that led to 20 years of assignments in Puerto Rico, Paris, New York, Uruguay, and New Zealand. After resettling in the Bay Area, John discovered the practice of yoga and bought Yoga Journal magazine, transforming it from a struggling non-profit business to a leading publication on yoga. Eleanor Ross Crary (IH 1967-68) loved her years abroad, which included stays in Germany, Switzerland, England, and Kashmir, just after the India and Pakistan partition, and relished the opportunity to meet and live with friends of diverse nationalities. In her late 30s, Eleanor enrolled at UC Berkeley, where she completed a bachelor's degree in history and a master's degree in library science. She was quickly hired by the Alameda County Public Library system as a library administrator, where she enjoyed working for many years until her retirement. Eleanor also had a lifelong passion for native plants and conservation and so, after her retirement, she shared her passion and skills serving for 17 years as a volunteer for the UC Botanical Garden. Consider Making a Tribute Gift Looking for a meaningful gift in honor or memory of an I-House alum or friend, or to commemorate a special occasion? Making a tribute gift is a wonderful way to celebrate, while supporting I-House's ongoing mission to foster intercultural respect and understanding, lifelong friendships, and leadership skills for a more just and peaceful world. You can make your gift at or by contacting us at 510-642-4128 or

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