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International House Times 5 Bellbottoms, bangles, and beads gave way in the 1970s, however intercultural ties between diverse residents from throughout the world continued to be the focus of learning about the pathways and possibilities for peace. In 1974, the I-House traditions of free speech and mutual respect were reaffirmed after intense controversy over debates focused on the Middle East. In 1980, I-House alumni and friends supported a much-needed 50th Anniversary Capital Campaign resulting in renovations to the Chevron Auditorium, Great Hall, and administrative offices. In 1988, Joe Lurie took the reins as the third I-House executive director, inaugurating the I-House Annual Celebration and Awards Gala among many other popular innovations. The 1990s saw a marked increase in room and board scholarship support for deserving students with financial need. This focus on financial aid via The I-House Scholarship Fund and named scholarships continues today as one of the four principal areas of funding support, along with The Architectural Heritage Fund, The Intercultural Programs Fund, and The Fund for I-House. As the decade came to a close, residents promoted the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities worldwide. The new millennium welcomed a new partnership between UC Berkeley and I-House in the form of the first Gateway Scholarship – a full scholarship package of tuition, room and board, and a stipend allowing UC Berkeley to compete with private schools for Ph.D. candidates. Each scholarship is a named endowment. Joe Lurie led a successful 75th Anniversary Campaign to fund scholarships, renovations, and programs. Ambassador Martin Brennan, the fourth I-House executive director, initiated Navigating Cultures, the first for-credit UC class offered by I-House. In 2010, I-House celebrated its 80th Anniversary. In July 2012, Dr. Hans Giesecke began his service as the fifth executive director of International House. His driving focus has been on making I-House students' residential experience a top highlight of their time at Berkeley. The Robertson Center for Intercultural Leadership (CIL) has become a preeminent center of excellence for training to advance leadership, understanding, and collaboration across cultures. For decades, International House has provided Berkeley and the greater Bay Area a diverse mix of ethnic dishes every day. Open to the public, our Dining Commons welcomes anyone to join I-House residents from more than 75 countries for breakfast, lunch, and dinner each weekday and for brunch and dinner on weekends. With the support of alumni and friends, and a generous matching challenge grant from Eric (IH 1976-80) and Wendy Schmidt (IH 1978-80), the Dining Commons has now been renovated and lovingly restored. The stunning 2nd-floor dining room features rich wood tables, chandeliers, and a performance stage. As International House prepares for its upcoming 90th Anniversary, please join us in remembering and saluting the many trail blazers, Nobel Laureates, ambassadors, United Nations staff, public service professionals, members of royal families, leaders in business, science, law, literature and journalism, arts, entertainment, and education who count their I-House experience as among the most transformative and inspirational in their lives. To learn more about the rich history of I-House visit n Celebrate Commemorate Contemplate Sunday Supper, 2008 I-House Residents, 1970s I-House Residents, 1980s Gala Resident Hosts, 1990s Gala Resident Hosts, 2019