International House Berkeley

I-House Times 2018 Spring/Summer

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On May 15 2018, former I-House resident, Katie Cummins, posted a touching message on Facebook that we could not help but give an enthusiastic thumbs up! Following is Katie's post and her personal I-House story. O ver these past few years at UC Berkeley, there have been political shifts that have created fear and unrest among the student body. For me, it was the best time to be living at I-House, a place where I was reminded every day of the power of inclusivity, the beauty of our differences, and the pure joy of connecting with others. I had the pleasure of serving as a resident health worker during my time at I-House. In charge of promoting wellness, I decided to start teaching evening yoga classes in the Gamble Lounge. ere was something amazing about teaching in a space with so much history. e energy in I-House is something special; it's almost as though the love and warmth that has been cultivated over the last 88 years is held within its wood paneled walls. My favorite part of the health worker role was the peer counseling component, which allowed me the opportunity to connect with residents on a deeper level. Some of my favorite I-House memories are the moments I met with my peers, listening to their unique life stories. I would listen to the raw emotions of my peers, and suddenly all our differences disappeared. From these vulnerable moments grew lifelong friendships. My biggest take-away was that, although I lived in one of the most diverse communities on campus, we were all navigating the same ups and downs of life. You're never in it alone. We are all human and share the experiences of heartbreak, loss, loneliness, and fear and, on the other end, joy, excitement, passion, and love. ese are the things that matter most in life and they are universal. I-House will always hold a special place in my heart. I thank everyone who has contributed to keeping its magic alive. n "But far more meaningful than learning about the many different cultures that filled the house, was seeing the way that people can connect regardless of differences" Katie's Farewell By Katie Cummins International House Times 3

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