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Reflecting on My Time at International House, UC Berkeley

Looking back, moving into International House was a decision that forever shaped my journey at UC Berkeley. I can still see that moment clearly—my parents by my side as I stood at the front desk, surrounded by six oversized suitcases, a mix of excitement and nerves filling the air as I awaited check-in. It was on that very day, during the I-House tour, that I met my first friend. Little did I know, that brief encounter was just the beginning of an extraordinary international adventure that would change me in ways I never imagined.

First meal with my father 
at the dining hall
First meal with my father
at the dining hall
Sunset view from my room
Sunset view from my room

My single room on the fifth floor became a sanctuary, offering a stunning bay view where I could watch the sunset behind the Golden Gate Bridge each evening. Though the space was modest, it had a way of feeling just right, like it was made to hold not just my belongings, but my dreams and hopes as well.

While I had come with the intent of making new friends from around the world, my first act was to interview for a Global Community Ambassador position. Growing up in a multicultural environment in Canada and later studying in China had instilled in me a deep love for connecting with people from diverse backgrounds, and I knew this role would be a perfect fit. To my joy, the interview went smoothly, and I soon found myself in a position that allowed me to weave my story into the rich tapestry of I-House life. Organizing and documenting events became some of my most treasured memories.

With my co-worker/friend Sanidhya working at the Big Give table
With my co-worker/friend Sanidhya
Lunch at the Faculty Club with the I-House team
Lunch at the Faculty Club with the I-House team

From alumni happy hours at the cafe to international panels and the glamorous Gala night, each event was a new opportunity to meet inspiring I-House alumni and listen to their incredible stories. One memory that stands out vividly is interviewing Chenming Hu during the Gala night. As he spoke of his accomplishments, his eyes sparkled with warmth as he recounted meeting his wife, Margaret Hu, on the front steps of I-House. The love and nostalgia in his voice were palpable, a reminder of the deep connections that I-House fosters. This is just one of the many touching stories I was privileged to hear and be a part of during my time there.

Picture of me with Chenming Hu after the Gala
Picture of me with Chenming Hu after the Gala
Working for the China/Us Futures panel
Working for the China/Us Futures panel

In International House, if you’re lucky enough, you’ll meet people who share the same passions as you. During the spring semester, I was fortunate to organize an I-House member-exclusive volleyball team to compete in Cal’s intramural CoRec league. We practiced and competed every week, not only improving our skills but also creating memorable moments on the court.

With the I-House volleyball team
With the I-House Volleyball team

If there is one piece of advice I could offer to new residents, it would be to cherish the dining hours. It’s in those moments, over shared meals, that friendships are truly nurtured. Some of my dearest friendships at Berkeley began in the I-House dining hall, and every Friday night, we would gather in the Gamble Lounge to cook, laugh, and create memories that I hold close to my heart.

Cooking in the Gamble lounge with friends in I-House
Cooking in the Gamble lounge with friends in I-House
Secret Santa with I-House friends
Secret Santa with I-House friends
Chinese New Year Celebration at I-House
Chinese New Year Celebration at I-House
Polaroid pictures taken on the I-House cruise event
Polaroid pictures taken on the I-House cruise event

I still remember the nights before my friends left I-House, staying up late to write letters, knowing deep down that these connections, these memories, would stay with me for a lifetime.